From Wakapon
This page is a rough summary of the various methods for optimization, curve fitting/linear regression, etc.
First, some definitions:
- In statistics, linear regression is basically a way to make a curve fit a set of data points
- Convex optimization
One-Dimensional Search Methods
- Golden Section Search 91
- Fibonacci Search 95
- Newton's Method 103
- Secant Method
Unconstrained Optimization and Neural Networks
- Descent methods
- Line search
- Descent methods with trust region
- Steepest descent
- Quadratic models
- Conjugate gradient methods
- Single-Neuron Training
- Backpropagation Algorithm
Newton-Type Methods
- Newton’s method
- Damped Newton methods
- Quasi–Newton methods
- DFP formula
- BFGS formulas
- Quasi–Newton implementation
Direct Search
- Simplex method
- Method of Hooke and Jeeves
Linear Data Fitting
- “Best” fit
- Linear least squares
- Weighted least squares
- Generalized least squares
- Polynomial fit
- Spline fit
- Choice of knots
Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
- Gauss–Newton method
- The Levenberg–Marquardt method
- Powell’s Dog Leg Method
- Secant version of the L–M method
- Secant version of the Dog Leg method
- The Lagrange dual function
- The Lagrange dual problem